
Tariff Free Start Standard Middle Pro Expert
Price for 1 vehicle * 0
1.5 €
1.4 €
1.3 €
1.2 €
Quantity of vehicles 0-15 1-50 51-100 101-200 201-400 400+
Quantity of branches 1
Users quantity 1
Booking management
Booking calendar
Document generation
Analytics -
Plan for the day -
Service -
Funds flow -
Staff Schedule -
Store -
Partners -
Export to Excel -
Electronic signature of PDF documents -
Email notifications
Telegram notifications
Website booking form -
WhatsApp - 0.25 € / day 0.25 € / day 0.25 € / day 0.25 € / day 0.25 € / day
Monitoring of fines -
Beacons -
View Email, Chat*** Regular*** Regular*** Priority ** Priority ** Priority **
Training, Zoom - 1 hour 3 hours 4 hours 5 hours 5 hours
* Price for 30 days
** During working hours (Monday - Friday, from 9:00 to 19:00 UTC time)
*** During working hours (Monday - Friday, from 9:00 to 19:00 UTC time) the first month after registration, then Email, Chat
Write-off from the balance sheet begins automatically when the sixteenth car is added. Further, payment is debited regardless of the number of cars, even if there are fewer than 16 cars. It is impossible to switch back to the Start tariff. Payment is made in EURO; when paying in another currency, conversion is made. Payment is charged for all activated cars, including the first fifteen.
After registration, full functionality is available within 7 days, with the exception of functions that use third-party services. After 7 days, only the functions of the Start tariff are available. Upon request from support, you can extend the test period to one month.

Additional services

Preparation of an agreement template (or other documents) in DOCX format (MS Word) 20
Preparation of a contract template (or other documents) in PDF format 30
Configuration setup for main settings and fleet (Quick start) **** 50
Additional training, 1 hour 20
Integrating a booking form into your website 50
Integration with your accounting software from 300
Integration with your website from 300
Website development from 500

The cost of services depends on the complexity and volume of work. To estimate the cost of work, a detailed technical specification is required. Check the support chat for details.

**** Preparing up to three contract templates, filling out a company card, adding a car (an Excel file you pre-filled using a template), adding clients (an Excel file you pre-filled using a template), assistance in creating seasons and prices, assistance in adding partners ( investors).