For the convenience of dividing your company into separate divisions, RentProg has created the ability to divide the company into branches.
Immediately after registration, one branch is created. The need for branches occurs when a company has several offices in different cities. Branches can also be useful for training and tests.
Initially, only employees in the Chief Administrator role have access to all branches. An employee in the role of Chief Administrator can provide access to the ability to switch between branches to any employee, regardless of his role in the system: Menu -> Company -> Employees -> Click on the employee's name/email -> switch the button to the “Can change branch” position.

To create a new branch of the company, you need to open Menu -> Company -> Branches -> New branch -> Fill out the form -> Save.
To switch between branches in the top menu you need to click on the “Building” icon next to the “Bell” or Menu -> Company -> Branches -> Go.

To delete a branch in the list of branches, you need to click on the “trash” icon and confirm the action.
Also in this section there is an opportunity to delete all information from RentProg. At the bottom of the page is the "Delete all information" button.