
This section deals with the payment, accounting and control of wages to employees. Salary payments can be made by a user with Manager rights and higher.

To pay wages to an employee, you need to go to the Salary page, click the New payment button - the salary payment window will appear. After this, all fields are filled in: payment amount, payment category (for payments that are not included in any of the specified categories, select the Additional payment category), select the desired employee, payment period (for example, week, month) , the number of working days for the specified period (if applicable to the selected category). Next, you select the payment method and, if necessary, a description (for example, “advance”).

By default, when entering the Salary section, in the list of payments the user sees only those payments that he personally made or were sent to him.

Users with Administrator role can view all payments made; to do this, click on the All salary switch. Using the Search field, you can search for a specific payment or select a number of payments based on individual parameters. Selecting a specific employee in the Recipients field allows you to display a list of payments to a specific employee.

After checking the payment, the managers put a corresponding mark in the Status column.

Under the payment table you can see the amount of all payments for the current and past month. Accordingly, when selecting a specific employee, all payments to this employee will be calculated.