Adding an employee
To add a new employee, go to the Employees page and click on the Add employee. button.

Next, you need to indicate his nickname (short unique name), last name, first name, patronymic, phone number, email address and then click the Register employee button.
A login password and login will be sent to the specified email.
Provide only real data. This will help restore your account in the future, and all important notifications will be sent to the specified data.
After registration, an employee can change his password himself by using the Forgot password function when logging into the system. After adding an employee, you need to determine his level of access to the program functions by selecting user role. To select an employee’s role, on the Employees page, click on his name and enter the employee’s card, then select his role from the drop-down list and click Save. Here you can Fire an employee.
When an employee leaves, he loses access to the system; when he tries to log in, a corresponding warning will be displayed. All of his employee data remains in the system; if necessary, he can be reactivated.