
This section contains a list of clients who have debts. To create a debt, you need to click on the New debt button and fill in the required data.

  • Amount - the amount that the client owes for a certain category.
  • Category selection - for which service the client has a debt.
  • Booking number - the number (id) of the reservation for which the client has incurred a debt. You need to indicate only real numbers that your company has.
  • Client choice - a client who has a debt.
  • Description- explanations of the debt, additional data.

You can search the table by parameters. In the Editor column you can edit the debt, as well as accept payment. To accept payment for a debt, you need to click on the green icon in the Editor column, a dialog box will open in which you need to enter the accepted amount, select the type of payment and select the current payment status, then click Save.

After adding a debt and linking it to a client, his name in the list of reservations will be highlighted in red, and if you enter a booking number, the debt will be linked to this booking and will be visible in the card. When adding a new booking and selecting a client who has debts, a warning about this will be issued.