Adding a car

When you click the Add car button, a shortened version of the Car Card opens. Here you can fill in the basic vehicle data. The full version of the Car Card (where you can enter car prices) will be available after filling out and saving the basic required data.

Required data:

- Name. It can be anything, but it is better to indicate the make and model.

- Car code is a unique designation of a specific car within the company, convenient and understandable for employees, by which cars of the same model will differ from each other, for example: Dacia Sandero - DS1, DS2, etc., during In many lists, cars are displayed only by code. Various parameters can be encrypted into the code, for example, the type of car gearbox (PC1A).


We recommend only short values in the Car Code. This is more convenient and is also necessary for correct display on mobile devices.

- Sorting number – the serial number of the car, according to which cars will be sorted in all lists, we recommend doing the sorting number in increments, for example: 10, 20, 30, ... etc., thanks to this in the future, when purchasing new cars, if necessary, they can be inserted between existing ones, assigning them a serial number between those already created (for example: 12, 14, 17, ... etc.).

- Number plate" – number of car registration plate;

Filling in this data is enough to save the new car in the database. At this stage, you can save the changes and go back to the newly created car card to fill in the pricing information. After entering the prices, the created car can be activated and it will become available for booking. The rest of the information can be filled in later.


To activate the car, as well as to be able to create bookings, it is necessary to fill in the Basic Prices in the Car Card tab Prices.

Other characteristics

The content of most fields is clear based on the name; we will describe only a few.

  • Purchase date - the date the vehicle was purchased. This parameter is required to calculate some reports in Analytics.
  • Purchase price - the purchase price of the car. This parameter is required to calculate some reports in Analytics.
  • The amount of the franchise is the amount within which the client is responsible for damage to the car. Needed to be indicated in the contract template.
  • Maximum fine - the amount of the maximum fine provided for in the contract. Needed to be indicated in the contract template.
  • Cost of repair of 1 body element needed to be indicated in the contract template.
  • Additional parameters 1-3 - additional parameters that can be used in the document template.