The main goal of the Maintenance module is to timely notify employees of the need for any maintenance, regardless of the type. A daily check is carried out to ensure that the conditions are met under which periodic maintenance will be transferred from scheduled to routine. For ongoing (active) services the check is not carried out.
Current maintenance appears in the corresponding section, in the vehicle card, as well as on the main page in the module Parked. Scheduled maintenance can be found in the corresponding section by opening the line with current maintenance.
The task of the Service module is to remind employees of the need for any actions, and regardless of the type, the logic behind all types of service is the same - these are ordinary reminders.
Any reminder can be attached to a specific counterparty in order to see the history of interaction with him in the future.
There are three types and four types of services in RentProg.
Types of service
- Maintenance is everything that concerns repairs, periodic maintenance, etc.
- Insurances are reminders related to insurance and taxes.
- Payments - reminders about current and upcoming payments.
Types of service
- Periodic - maintenance that must be carried out at regular intervals or depending on the distance traveled (mileage). When this type of service is completed, a copy is created, but with the current parameters, current date and mileage. The verification step remains the same. An example is changing the engine oil.
- One-time - maintenance that needs to be carried out only once or the frequency is unknown. For example, you need to plan to replace tires after 2 thousand kilometers.
When creating periodic maintenance, it can only be scheduled. A check is carried out daily to ensure compliance with the conditions for transferring services from planned to current. When selecting the type By mileage the check will be calculated as follows: Mileage at the time of last service + (Mileage step - Notify for) <= Current mileage .
In the car card in the Maintenance tab you can find all scheduled, current and past reminders, as well as delete or edit them.
Description of fields
Type of service - depending on the selected parameter, a check will be carried out based on mileage or the current date.
Criticality - how critical (urgent) the maintenance is to perform. There can be three types: high (red), medium (orange), low (gray).
Name is the short name of the service, in most places this is the only one visible.
Date of last service - date of the last service. When selecting the type of service By number of days this parameter is used to check whether the conditions under which service is transferred from planned to current. When selecting the By mileage service type, this parameter is for informational purposes only.
Mileage at the time of last service - mileage of the vehicle at the time of the last service. When selecting the type of service By mileage this parameter is used for checking for compliance with the conditions under which maintenance is transferred from planned to current. When selecting the type of service By number of days, this parameter is for informational purposes only.
Description - additional information about the service.
Mileage step - step in kilometers (miles, knots) through which periodic maintenance must be carried out. Valid when selecting the type of service By mileage.
Step of days - step in days through which periodic maintenance must be carried out. Valid when selecting the service type By number of days.
Notify for - parameter in days or kilometers, depending on which maintenance will be activated (transferred from scheduled to current), and the first notification about the need for maintenance will be sent. If you set it to 0, then the service will be activated on the day the verification conditions are met, and only one alert will be sent.
Responsible - employees responsible for carrying out and monitoring maintenance. When selecting those responsible, the notification will be sent only to them and to the company email for all notifications. If you leave the field empty, the notification will be sent to all employees. On the right there is a green button for selecting all employees.
Select a car - field for selecting the desired vehicle. On the right there is a green button for selecting all cars.
Create a maintenance reminder
You can create a reminder in the Maintenance section and in the vehicle card in the Maintenance tab. To create, you need to click on the green “plus” icon.

Depending on the selected type of service, different fields will be available to fill out.
It is important to know!
When creating a periodic service, it is important to remember that when the service is completed, a copy will be created with new mileage or dates depending on the type.
Completing service
To complete the current (active) maintenance, you need to click on the notification about it and enter the necessary data. When periodic maintenance is completed, a copy will be created with new data. It is important to remember this and after completion it is better to always check the correctness of the data. Incorrect data can be edited by clicking on the "pencil" icon.
Description of fields
Most of the fields are repeated with maintenance, so we will only describe the ones that differ.
Insurance commencement date - the date of commencement of the insurance policy.
Insurance expiration date - the expiration date of the insurance policy.
Notify for - how many days in advance to send the first notification about the expiration of the insurance policy. If you set it to 0, the notification will only come on the day the verification conditions are met.
Creating an alert about the expiration of an insurance policy
You can create a reminder in the Insurance section. To create, you need to click on the green “plus” icon.

Termination of insurance
To terminate the insurance policy, you need to click on the termination notification and enter the required data. Upon completion of the periodic notification, a copy will be created with new data, new validity dates. It is important to remember this and after completion it is better to always check the correctness of the data. Incorrect data can be edited by clicking on the "pencil" icon.
In this section you can create a reminder about any payments.
Description of fields
Most of the fields are repeated with maintenance and insurance, so we will only describe the ones that differ.
Date of payment - the day on which the payment was made.
Next payment date - the date when the next payment is scheduled.
Number of days after which payment must be made - payment period in days. When created, this field is for informational purposes and cannot be changed; it changes due to changes in payment dates.
Creating an alert for the need to make a payment
You can create a reminder in the Payments section. To create, you need to click on the green “plus” icon.

Ending a payment reminder
To complete the reminder, you need to click on the corresponding notification and enter the necessary data. Upon completion of the periodic notification, a copy will be created with new data, new dates for payment. It is important to remember this and after completion it is better to always check the correctness of the data. Incorrect data can be edited by clicking on the “pencil” icon or deleted and a new reminder created.